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Understanding Asthma & Allergies

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Posted by Temple Lung Center

AllergiesDuring the spring season as the weather gets warmer, the trees and flowers begin to bloom. Although a beautiful time of year, the season can cause discomfort to those who suffer from asthma and allergies. It can be helpful to understand the symptoms and ways to manage these conditions. 


Spring allergies can begin in February and often last until the early months of summer. Understanding the timeframe and symptoms may help those who suffer to prepare prior to the onset of their allergies.



Allergy Symptoms


Managing Your Allergies

Although spring is a peak time for allergy sufferers, there is no need to stay inside all season. There are ways to manage allergy symptoms and still live an active life.

  • Nasal sprays, antihistamines, and eye drops may relieve symptoms
    • Prescription and over-the-counter versions are both available
  • ​​Dehumidifiers may help reduce dampness, which leads to mold growth in the home
  • Frequent house cleaning, and changing sheets and towels often can provide relief for animal, mold, and dust mite allergies. The use of quality air filters may help clean the air inside the home as well

View more information on seeking care for allergies


Those who suffer from asthma may find their condition is made worse by common allergens, including dust, animal fur, mold, and pollen. As a result, the spring season may cause increased asthma symptoms.



Asthma Symptoms


Managing Your Asthma

The spring season may be a good time to speak to your doctor to ensure you are receiving the most effective treatment for your asthma. There are a few other things to keep in mind when thinking about your condition during spring.

  • Track your symptoms to understand your asthma and its triggers
  • Avoid asthma triggers when possible
    • Discuss with your doctor ways to keep active 
  • Create an action plan with your doctor
    • This plan can help avoid triggers, monitor your asthma, identify issues, and properly respond to symptoms that are getting worse. Also, it is important to understand when to seek emergency treatment

View more information on asthma and treatment options.

Overall, it is important to understand your allergies or asthma, and to speak with your doctor to ensure you are receiving the best treatment to manage your symptoms. The Temple Lung Center's Airway Disorders Program offers unique treatments and customized plans that help patients to find relief from their persistent symptoms, especially during the spring season.

References: http://www.aafa.org/page/allergy-facts.aspxhttp://acaai.org/allergies/seasonal-allergies, https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/asthma.htm.

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