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Saving James Wagstaff-Duncan

James had severe heart failure, but thanks to the teamwork and creativity of TUH clinicians, he is very much alive.

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Temple Heart Surgeons Explore Changing Practice Patterns in Care of Patients with Aortic Dissection

According to a new study, other specialists are playing a greater role in the care of patients with aortic dissection.

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Temple Heart Surgeons Explore Changing Practice Patterns in Care of Patients with Aortic Dissection

According to a new study, other specialists are playing a greater role in the care of patients with aortic dissection.

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Robotic Heart Surgery

Julie's HCM had become "obstructive," blocking blood flow from the heart, and she needed help fast.

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Robotic Heart Surgery

Julie's HCM had become "obstructive," blocking blood flow from the heart, and she needed help fast.

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A Pair of "Firsts" for the Temple Heart & Vascular Institute

Dr. Wheatley helped two men take back their lives with minimally-invasive approaches to aortic aneurysm repair.

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A Pair of "Firsts" for the Temple Heart & Vascular Institute

Dr. Wheatley helped two men take back their lives with minimally-invasive approaches to aortic aneurysm repair.

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Combining Medication with Sound Waves to Bust Blood Clots

When Philadelphia resident Kenneth became short-of-breath by climbing steps in his home, he knew he had a problem.

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Combining Medication with Sound Waves to Bust Blood Clots

When Philadelphia resident Kenneth became short-of-breath by climbing steps in his home, he knew he had a problem.

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