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What's Causing More Young Adults to Have Strokes Now?

Here’s how COVID-19 may be increasing stroke risk in young adults.

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Should I Avoid Gluten?

Gluten-free diets are popular with many people. But there are some people who truly need to avoid gluten.

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Should I Avoid Gluten?

Gluten-free diets are popular with many people. But there are some people who truly need to avoid gluten.

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Exercising Outdoors? Don't Forget to Do This

Check out these 7 important tips to help prevent sun damage and reduce your risk of skin cancer.

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Life After a Liver Transplant

It’s important to take care of yourself and to do everything you can to protect your new liver after a transplant.

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Is Your Wrist Pain a Sign of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

A painful wrist should never be ignored, especially if it’s caused by carpal tunnel syndrome.

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These Foods May Be Making Your IBS Worse

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) affects as many as 1 in 5 adults. Find out what foods make it worse and tips to better manage your symptoms.

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How to Stay Safe During Summer Workouts After Bariatric Surgery

Here are 5 important tips to keep in mind so you stay safer when working out in summer heat.

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5 Things to Know About Tendonitis

This painful injury should always be treated and never ignored.

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