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Lesser-Known Benefits of Bariatric Surgery Besides Losing Weight

Health conditions like high blood pressure and diabetes may improve, or resolve altogether in the months following bariatric surgery. Learn more from bariatric surgeon Rohit Soans, MD.

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Living Better with a Chronic Illness: My Journey with Sarcoidosis

Learn how one woman manages her sarcoidosis and lives a full life with the help of her Temple Health team.

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10 Steps to Prepare for Weight Loss Surgery

Steps you take before surgery can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

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Newly Diagnosed With Parkinson’s Disease? Here’s What You Need to Know

By understanding how Parkinson’s advances, patients can know what to expect and develop a plan to navigate challenges.

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Can You Inherit a Risk for COPD?

About 80% of people who have a type of protein deficiency called AAT deficiency develop COPD.

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Rehabilitation: An Important Step in Recovering From a Burn Injury

Rehabilitation therapy after a serious burn has many physical and emotional benefits.

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Should I Be Worried About a Lung Nodule?

Lung nodules can form for many reasons, and not all of them are cancerous. But they should be monitored.

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Is It Stress, Anxiety, or AFib?

Anxiety and atrial fibrillation share some similar symptoms — learn how to tell the difference.

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What Older Adults Need to Know About Exercising Safely

Find out how age raises the risk of exercise-related injury—and what you can do about it.

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