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Ian Dumas, RN Earns DAISY Award at TUH-Main Campus

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Ian Dumas, RN, a nurse on Unit 6B at TUH-Main Campus, was recently honored with the DAISY Award. Dumas was recognized for his attentiveness to his patients and his willingness to provide them with education and advocate for their needs, as his nomination shows: 

“Ian went above and beyond in my care. Not just to assist in my treatment, but to make me as comfortable as possible during my stay at Temple. As a nurse, Ian was quick to communicate my needs to my team members and got things done for me in a timely manner. He provided education on my condition and explanations for the medication he was giving me. He reinforced the importance of being regular with my medications so that I could get better. He also advocated for my needs in planning my discharge. He did his job exceptionally well, with compassion.”

The DAISY Award was established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, who passed away from an autoimmune disease. The Barnes family was awestruck by the clinical skills, caring, and compassion of the nurses who cared for Patrick, and created this international award to say thank you to nurses everywhere.