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Becker’s Hospital Review Interviews Drs. Claire Raab, Rachel Rubin and Dharmini Shah Pandya about Temple Health’s Trauma-Informed Oncology Evaluation Clinic

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Becker’s Hospital Review interviewed Claire Raab, MD, President and CEO of Temple Faculty Physicians; Rachel Rubin, MD, Chief of the Section of Hospital Medicine at Temple University Hospital; and Dharmini Shah Pandya, MD, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine at the Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, about the formation of Temple Health’s Trauma-Informed Oncology Evaluation Clinic, known as MVP-CAN. MVP-CAN is a wrap-around clinic that emphasizes social determinants of health and uses a high-touch, trauma-informed approach to improve the timely identification, diagnosis and treatment of cancer cases. When follow-up cancer care is needed, patients are referred to physicians at Fox Chase Cancer Center at Temple University Hospital.