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Turning Over a New (Salad) Leaf: Temple Health-Chestnut Hill Hospital Refreshes Staff Dining Experience

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Every day, something new and exciting is happening at Temple Health-Chestnut Hill Hospital. New service lines are being added, growth strategies are accelerating, new patient volume is picking up, and vigorous recruitment efforts are in high gear. And now, even our cafeteria and café have gotten an upgrade, thanks to Aramark, our new vendor.

“We officially went live on June 15th,” explains Joel Hernandez, Aramark’s District Manager of Food Operations for TH-CHH. “But before that, we spent several months looking at the food options and quality, as well as the atmosphere and the lighting. We wanted to understand what it was like to eat in the cafeteria and the café, and see what people wanted from their dietary options.”

As a result, Hernandez and his team came in with a game plan for what needed to change. “First and foremost, we wanted to transform the atmosphere and the energy in the cafeteria,” he says. “We purchased some wall accents to give it a new feel, and spiced it up by adding a spice station. The light-up sign there has been a real conversation starter, and some of our new sauces we have there are really hot. People have been gathering around and asking each other, ‘Should I try that one?’”

More Options for More Appetite

Hernandez also listened to staff feedback. For example, there were no food options available for employees after 2:00 pm under the previous vendor. “That’s why we added a menu in the coffee shop that now offers wraps, grain bowls, and salads, along with the entrée of the day,” he explains. “That way, even though the cafeteria closes at 2:00, you can still get something from the coffee shop until 6:00 pm.”

The team has also updated the menu in the cafeteria, with an eye towards restaurant-style options. “We like to incorporate a special at either the deli or the grill,” says Amy Angelina, Aramark’s System Retail and Catering Director for Main Line Health, who is also supporting Marketing and Retail for TH-CHH. “Each week, we feature a flatbread, and you can also create your own. We have restaurant rotations at the entrée station. We like to give people more of the restaurant-style menu that they’re used to when they go out to eat. They can come to their own cafeteria and get a tasty meal here, rather than ordering through a delivery app.”

That focus on creating delicious meals in an inviting space has paid off. “Since we made these changes, there’s been a good crowd,” Hernandez says. “It’s a comfortable, fun space again.”

A Fully-Invested Team

None of this would have been possible without the TH-CHH Dietary team, which has been highly engaged and supportive of these changes. “They wanted to learn, and they wanted to be successful,” Hernandez explains. “We’ve given them the right tools, and they’ve done an amazing job.”

“They’ve been so welcoming and on-board with the process,” Angelina agrees. “It’s been really fun to work with them.”

With such exciting options, it’s easy to see why the Dietary staff have been so enthusiastic. “We that the people who dine with us have busy schedules and have a limited time to spend in the cafeteria or the café,” Hernandez says. “We want to make sure their experience is as enjoyable as possible, with the very best dietary options.”