Digital Bibliography
Hershey BL, Faro SH, Koenigsburg RA, et al: Neuroimaging. In Goetz C (ed): Clinical Neurology, Phila., W.B. Saunders, 1998.
Koenigsberg RA, Bianco BA, Faro SH, Stickles S, Hershey BL, Siegal TL, Mohamed FB, Castur CK, Tsai FY: Neuroimaging. In Goetz C (ed): Clinical Neurology 2"d edition, Phila, W.B. Saunders, 2003.
Koenigsberg RA, Bianco BA, Faro SH, Stickles S, Hershey BL, Siegal TL, Mohamed FB, Castur CK, Tsai FY: Neuroimaging. In Goetz C (ed): Clinical Neurology 3rd edition, Phila, W.B. Saunders 2007.
Hershey BL, Faro SH, Shah PN, O'Connor E: Introduction to Brain I~ury Imaging. In Jallo J and Loftus C (eds): Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the Brain, New York, Thieme Medical Publishers, 2009.
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