Digital Bibliography
Narins, R.G., Rudnick, M.R. and BASTL, C.P.: Metabolic alkalosis. Practical Nephrology for Primary Care Physicians, S. Franklin (ed.), Houghton-Mifflin Publ, Boston 1980.
Narins, R.G., Rudnick, M.R. and BASTL, C.P.: Lactic acidosis and the high anion gap acidosis I. Hospital Practice, 15:5, 126-136, 1980.
Narins, R.G., Rudnick, M.R. and BASTL, C.P.: Lactic acidosis and the elevated anion gap II. Hospital Practice, 15:6, 91-98, 1980.
BASTL, C.P., Rudnick, M.R. and Narins, R.G.: Diagnostic approaches to acute renal failure, in Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, Brenner, B.M. and Stein, J.H. (eds.), Churchill-Livingstone Publishers, New York, 21-51, 1980.
Narins, R.G., Javaheri, S., Rudnick, M.R. and BASTL, C.P.: Acid-base metabolism, in Current Nephrology, IV, Gonick, H. (ed.), Houghton-Mifflin Publishers, Boston, 1-38, 1980.
Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P. and Narins, R.G.: Diagnostic approaches to hypertension, in Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, Brenner, B.M. and Stein, J.H. (eds.), Churchill-Livingstone Publishes, New York, 1270-1338, 1981.
Narins, R.G., BASTL, C.P., Rudnick, M.R., Javaheri, S., Stom, M.D. and Jones, E.R.: Acid-base metabolism, in Current Nephrology, V, Gonick, H. (ed.), John Wiley Publi., New York, 79-130, 1982.
Narins, R.G., Jones, E.R., Stom, M.C., Rudnick, M.R. and BASTL, C.P.: Diagnostic strategies, in Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Homeostatis. Am. J. Medicine, 72: 496-520, 1982. Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P. and Narins, R.G.: Toxic Nephropathy, in Internal Medicine for Dentists Correlations, D. Kaye and L. Rose (eds.), C.V. Mosby, Philadelphia, 624-630, 1983.
Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P. and Narins, R.G.: Toxic Nephropathy, in Fundamentals of Internal Medicine, D. Kaye and L. Rose (eds.), C.V. Mosby, Philadelphia, 944-950, 1983.
Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P., Elfenbein, I.B. and Narins, R.G.: The clinical and laboratory approach to the diagnosis of acute renal failure, in Acute Renal Failure, Brenner, B.M., Myers, B.D. and Lazarus, J.M. (eds.), W.B. Saunders and Co. Publishers, Philadelphia, 176-222, 1983.
Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P. and Narins, R.G.: Lactic acidosis, in Textbook of Nephrology, S.G. Massry and R.J. Glassock (eds.), Williams and Wilkins, Publ, Baltimore, 3.117-3.122, 1983.
BASTL, C.P. and Marver, D.: The mechanism of action of aldosterone and glucocorticoids and their effect on fluid-electrolyte metabolism: Review of ongoing and emerging controversies, in Controversies in Nephrology and Hypertension, Narins, R.G. (ed.), Churchill-Livingstone, New York, 579-603, 1984.
Beck, T.R., BASTL, C.P., Rudnick, M.R., Jones, E.R., Stom, M.C. and Narins, R.G.: Nephrology, in Current Medicine, Gitnick, G. (ed.), J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, NY, 107-135, 1984.
BASTL, C.P., Rudnick, M.R. and Narins, R.G.: Assessment of renal function: Functional and organic forms of acute renal failure, in The Kidney: Physiology and Pathophysiology, Seldrin, D.W. and Giebisch, G. (eds.), Raven Press, NY 1819-1836, 1985.
BASTL, C.P. and Sebastian, A.: The physiologic effect of the endocrine system: Adrenal hormones, in Maxwell and Kleeman’s Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism, IV, R. Narins (ed.), McGraw-Hill, New York, 317-341, 1987.
Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P., Elfenbein, I.B. and Narins, R.G.: The clinical and laboratory approach to the diagnosis of acute renal failure, in Acute Renal Failure, II, Brenner, B.M., Myers, B.D. and Lazarus, J.M. (eds.), W.B. Saunders and Co. Publishers, 177-232, 1987.
Rudnick, M.R., BASTL, C.P. and Narins, R.G.: Lactic acidosis, in Textbook of Nephrology, II, S.G. Massry and R.J. Glassock (eds.), Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, 375-381, 1989. Riley, Jr., L.J., BASTL, C.P. and Narins, R.G.: Toxic nephropathy, in Internal Medicine for Dentistry II, L.F. Rose and D. Kaye (eds.), C.V. Mosby Co., Philadelphia, 546-551, 1990.
Schulman, G. and BASTL, C.P.: Cellular mechanisms of action of aldosterone, in Hormones Autocoids and the kidney, Contemporary Issues in Nephrology, Vol. 23, Stein, J., Ziyadeh, F. and Goldfarb, S. (eds.), Churchill-Livingstone, New York, 161-181, 1991.
BASTL, C.P.: Acute Renal Failure, Current Urologic Therapy III, E.J. Seidman and P.M. Hanno (eds.), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 131-134, 1994. BASTL, C.P.: Chronic Renal Failure, Current Urologic Therapy III, E.J. Seidman and P.M. Hanno (eds.), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 134-136, 1994.
BASTL, C.P.: Hepatorenal Syndrome, Current Urologic Therapy III, E.J. Seidman and P.M. Hanno (eds.), W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 158-160, 1994.
BASTL, C.P., Heifets, M. and Riley, Jr., L.J.: Therapy of lactic acidosis, in Therapy of Renal Disease and Related Disorders, III ed. W.M. Suki and S.G. Massry (eds.), Kluger Academy Publication, Boston, 211-231, 1998.
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