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John Panidis, MD


Interventional Cardiology

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Temple Heart & Vascular Institute

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Digital Bibliography

Panidis I, Chen CC, Morganroth J. Echocardiography in aortic regurgitation and mitral regurgitation. Editors: Morganroth J, Parisi AF, Pohost G. In "Noninvasive Cardiac Imaging". Yearbook Medical - Publishers, Inc., Chicago; pp 263-286, 1983.

David D, Chen CC, Panidis IP, Morganroth J. Echocardiography in the diagnosis and quantification of valvular heart disease. Editor: A. Fowler. In "Noninvasive Diagnostic Method in Cardiology". Cardiovascular Clinics. F.A. Davis and Company, Philadelphia; Volume 13/2, pp 67-115, 1983.

Panidis I, Dreifus LS, Michelson E. Hemodynamic effects of cardiac pacing. Editor: L.S. Dreifus. In "Pacemaker Therapy". Cardiovascular Clinics. F.A. Davis and Company, Philadelphia; Volume 14/2, pp 1-12, 1983.

Kotler MN, Panidis IP, Mintz GS, Ross J. The role of non-invasive techniques in the evaluation of the St. Jude cardiac prosthesis. Editor: M.E. DeBakey. In ''Advances in Cardiac Valves: Clinical Perspectives". Yorke Medical Books, New York; pp 213-226, 1983.

Panidis IP, Kotler MN. Cardiac pacing following open heart surgery. In "Ideal Cardiac Pacing". Hakki AH (Editor). W.B. Saunders, Co., Philadelphia; pp 133-141, 1984.

Panidis I, Morganroth J. Two-dimensional echocardiography in acute myocardial infarction: Clinical applications. In ''Interventions in the Acute Phase of Myocardial Infarction". Morganroth J, Moore N (Editors). Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Hingham, MA; pp 88-102, 1984.

Panidis IP, Morganroth J. Echocardiography in valvular heart disease. In "New Concepts in Cardiac Imaging" 1985. Pohost G, Higgins C, Morganroth J, Ritchie J, Schelbert H (Editors). G.K. Hall Medical Publishers, Boston, MA; 1:5-38, 1985.

Panidis IP, Morganroth J. Initiating events of sudden cardiac death. In "Sudden Cardiac Death''. Josephson M (Editor). Cardiovascular Clinics, F.A. Davis and Co., Philadelphia; 15/3, pp 81-92, 1985.

Panidis IP, Segal BL. Aortic valve disease in the elderly. In "Valvular Heart Disease: Comprehensive Evaluation and Management''. Frankl WS, Brest AN (Editors). Cardiovascular Clinics. Volume 16/2. F.A. Davis and Co., Philadelphia; pp 289-311, 1985.

Mintz GS, Kotler MN, Panidis IP. Ultrasonography of cardiac valves. In "Guide to Prosthetic Cardiac Valves". Morse D, Steiner RM and Fernandez J (Editors). Springer-Verlag, Inc., New York; pp 79-100, 1985.

Panidis IP, Morganroth J. The Use of Echocardiography in the Operating Room. In "New Concepts in Cardiac Imaging - 1986".

Pohost G, Higgins C, Morganroth J, Ritchie J, Schelbert HR (Editors). Year Book Medical Publishers, Inc., Chicago; 2:91-107, 1986.

Panidis IP, Morganroth J. The role of M-mode and two-dimensional echocardiography in the detection of cardiac masses. In "New Concepts in Cardiac Imaging - 1987".

Pohost G, Higgins C, Morganroth J, Ritchie J, Schelbert HR (Editors). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago; 3:61-102, 1987.

Panidis IP, Ross, J, Mintz GS. Role of M-Mode, two-dimensional and Doppler echocardiography in the evaluation of prosthetic valves. In "New Concepts in Cardiac Imaging - 1988".

Pohost G, Higgins C, Morganroth J, Ritchie J, Schelbert HR (Editors). Year Book Medical Publishers, Chicago, IL., 4:51-84, 1988.

Panidis IP, Morganroth J. Echocardiography in the differential diagnosis of patients with chest pain. In "Echocardiography in Coronary Artery Disease". Visser C, Kan G, Meltzer R (Editors). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Norwell, MA; pp 95-106, 1988.

Mintz GS, Panidis IP. Assessment of right ventricular function. In "Textbook of Adult and Pediatric Echocardiography", St. John Sutton M. and Oldershaw P. (Editors). Blackwell Scientific Publications, Inc., Boston, MA; pp 155-168, 1989.

Panidis IP. Doppler Echocardiography (in Greek language). In "Cardiac Diseases", Toutouzas P, Boudoulas H (Editors). Parisianos G Publishers, Athens, Greece Vol I, pp 397-427, 1991.