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Become a Member of TPI PFAC

Interested in serving on the Patient and Family Advisory Council with TPI?

We are looking for patients and family members to serve as advisors to help improve the experience, safety and quality of care at our hospital.

We seek individuals who can:

  • Share insights and information about experiences in ways that others can learn from
  • See beyond your own personal experiences
  • Show concern for more than one issue or agenda
  • Listen well
  • Respect the perspectives of others
  • Speak comfortably in a group with candor
  • Interact well with many different kinds of people
  • Work in partnership with others

As a Patient and Family Advisory Council member, you’ll help shape change, participate in forming policies and procedures, improve patient safety, design a more welcoming environment, create educational materials and review forms, and promote strong communication among families and care providers.

To learn more about Patient- and Family-Centered Care at TPI, please email [email protected].