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Pregnancy After Bariatric Surgery: 7 Things to Know

With the right kind of care, most people can have a healthy pregnancy after bariatric surgery.

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Life After a Lung Transplant

Frequent monitoring and a focus on good care help make for a successful transplant.

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Organ Donation: Your Questions Answered

Learn all about what it takes to be a living organ donor and the process after death.

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Organ Donation: Your Questions Answered

Learn all about what it takes to be a living organ donor and the process after death.

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Women: Speak Up About Stress Urinary Incontinence

Worrying that you might lose control of your bladder is stressful. But treatment can help you regain control.

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Lifelong Friend Gives the Priceless Donation of a Kidney

John took a chance with a Facebook post, asking if someone would give him a kidney. Terry read the post and said, “I’ll do it!”

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Where to Turn When the Diagnosis Is IPF

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis can be difficult to diagnose. That’s why you need to see a pulmonologist who specializes in the condition.

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5 Things to Know About Night-Time Bathroom Breaks

Learn the causes and treatments of frequent nighttime bathroom breaks.

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All About Bronchoscopic Lung Volume Reduction (BLVR)

BLVR can be a life-changing procedure for people with severe emphysema.

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