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Treatment Options

There are several ways in which your doctor may treat your renal artery stenosis. These range from simple lifestyle changes and medications to surgical bypass, angioplasty and stenting.

Lifestyle Changes

Lifestyle changes can help reduce your risk of developing renal artery stenosis. These include: quitting smoking, eating healthy, avoiding salt in your diet, reducing stress and maintaining a healthy weight. In addition, talk to your doctor about an exercise plan that is right for you.


Medications such as beta blockers, diuretics and calcium channel blockers are often prescribed to reduce your blood pressure. Aspirin may be prescribed to lower your clotting risk.

Procedures & Surgery

Surgery may be necessary if your renal artery stenosis symptoms are severe. The most common intervention is balloon angioplasty. During this minimally invasive procedure, a thin tube (catheter) is guided into the blocked artery and a tiny balloon is inflated to clear the way so that blood flow is restored. In some cases, a small mesh tube (stent) is inserted to keep the artery open.