Lung Center

Physician Liaison Service

The Temple Lung Center's dedicated key account manager is always available to assist you with the needs of your patients requiring specialty services or advanced care.

Our Commitment: Co-Management with the Referring Physician

At Temple, we work closely with you to ensure the highest standard of care for your patients. After a referral, our team manages all aspects of the patient's care—medical, interventional, or surgical—while keeping you informed every step of the way.

What You Can Expect:

  • Clear Communication: Timely updates on patient status through detailed reports and regular phone calls.
  • Collaborative Care: Our specialists and staff work directly with the referring physician to explain and coordinate any recommended monitoring programs or post-intervention follow-up.
  • Accessibility: Open communication channels with our specialists and staff to address questions or concerns promptly.

We believe that collaboration and transparency are key to achieving optimal outcomes and long-term success.

How to Refer a Patient

To arrange a patient referral to the Temple Lung Center, please complete our referral form and a representative from the Temple Lung Center will contact you or the patient to schedule an appointment.

  • Name, DOB, insurance information
  • Contact information
  • Diagnosis/reason for referral

Secure Fax for Records: 215-226-8292

Our Key Account Managers Will Immediately:

  • Eliminate access barriers to hospital services
  • Facilitate scheduling of referred cases
  • Coordinate ongoing communication with Temple physicians and staff
  • Provide information about enrolling clinical trials and other research programs
  • Distribute information about clinical trials and other research programs available
  • Arrange physician-to-physician in-service lectures and clinical updates at your office
  • Resolve problems and answer questions efficiently and effectively

For more information on our referral process or how our key account managers can assist you, please contact us: [email protected]

Contact Our Team

T.K. Broderic
Director, External Accounts
Temple Lung Center
[email protected]

Sean Borden
Key Account Manager
Temple Lung Center
[email protected]

Tonya Haderthauer
Key Account Manager, NJ/DE
Temple Lung Center
[email protected]

Heather Vickus German
Referral Liaison
Temple Lung Center
215-707-0177 (office)
215-226-8292 (fax)
[email protected]