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Temple Occupational Health

Physical Exams & Medical Evaluations

Pre-Employment Physical Exams 

Our pre-employment exams include a medical history, a physical examination, and a general health and fitness evaluation. This comprehensive approach helps identify health-related issues that may affect a person's job performance. The resulting report provides the documentation you need to make an informed decision.

Fitness for Duty Exams

Fitness for duty assessments evaluate an employee's physical capacity to perform specific duties required for a particular job. This exam process provides you with assurance that your employee can safely perform essential job functions.

Respiratory Fit-Testing

We offer both medical evaluation (review of the OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire) and medical examination.

Medical Surveillance

The health of employees who work with certain materials or in potentially hazardous environments may need to be monitored regularly. We can establish baseline medical conditions of employees; determine their ability to work while wearing protective equipment; track their physiological conditions on a regular schedule or at the termination of a project or employment; and ensure that documentation of their exposure and medical conditions is provided and maintained as a part of their medical record.

To learn more about Temple University Hospital's Occupational Health Program, please call 215-707-4455 or contact us at [email protected].