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Population Health

Diabetes Education Team

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Temple Health’s team of Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialists work together to help their patients successfully prevent or control diabetes. The goal is to teach and prepare their patients to properly care for themselves. Members of the team include:

Meaghan Kim

Meaghan is the Assistant Vice President of Population Health. She has nearly 20 years of healthcare experience, most of which have been dedicated to improving the lives of those living with diabetes. In her current role, she is responsible for growing Temple’s Diabetes Prevention Program and Diabetes Education Program. Meaghan is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and a Registered Nurse.

Maria Aparicio

Maria is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and a Registered Nurse who is fluent in Spanish and French. She has 15 years of experience helping patients manage chronic diseases, with a particular interest and proficiency in diabetes. She is well known in the Hispanic community for creating a Diabetes Education Recognition Program that has helped hundreds of people manage their diabetes.

Casey Dascher

Casey is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and a Registered Dietitian. At Temple, she serves as Diabetes Quality Coordinator, managing a team of nutrition and nurse diabetes educators. She is also Chair of Temple’s Diabetes Advisory Board, an instructor for Penn State Cooperative’s Dining with Diabetes program, and a certified insulin pump trainer.

Edoris Lomax

Edoris Lomax is the Program Coordinator for the Temple Center for Population Health. She has nearly ten years of population health experience in diabetes prevention as well as community engagement. She was instrumental in bringing the CDC-approved National Diabetes Prevention Program – a lifestyle change program that employs yearlong group classes hosted by a trained lifestyle coach to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes – to Temple University Hospital.

Che Henshaw Smith

Che is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and a Registered Nurse. Working within ever-evolving environments within the healthcare system has allowed her to effectively interact with patients with various health conditions including those impacted by Diabetes. Since joining the Temple Diabetes Program she has provided education regarding diabetes management and developed personalized care plans based on participants needs.

Lindsey Verano

Lindsey is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist and a Registered Dietitian. At Temple, she helped implement the pre-diabetes class and helped in developing the current diabetes program curriculum. She also participates in the Advisory Board Committee and patient-run support groups.

For more information or to register for our Diabetes Prevention or Real-World Diabetes Programs, call 215-707-3800.