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Roux-en-Y gastric bypass has more risks than other procedures. Gastric bypass side effects can include digestive problems ranging from nausea to abdominal pain and diarrhea. Other risks include malnutrition, ulcers, gallstones, bowel obstruction or other complications – especially if you don’t follow important post-surgery instructions and lifestyle adjustments.
Roux-en-Y Gastric bypass alternatives include gastric sleeve.
All surgeries carry some risks – such as infection and bleeding. However, the Temple bariatric surgery team has decades of successful experience performing proven procedures.
You can regain weight lost after surgery. Surgery is just part of the picture. Your lifestyle – including what and how often you eat or exercise – affects your results. If you follow your treatment plan, it typically produces good results. You need dedication and commitment to long-term follow-up visits to maintain your new weight.
Temporary hair thinning can happen during rapid weight loss. Hair should re-grow once your weight stabilizes. Avoid hair treatments, and eat plenty of protein. Supplements may help.
Temple’s bariatric specialists recommend that you do not drink alcohol. It can potentially damage your stomach pouch and cause bleeding. Your threshold for being legally intoxicated is greatly decreased after surgery.
You will have tenderness and pain at the site of your incision and from your interior stomach wounds and staples. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication. Report any unusual pain or other symptoms to your care team.
Find a doctor near you, request an appointment, or call 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536) today.