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LGBTQ Health

LGBTQ Inclusive Care Providers

We at Temple Health are focused on improving policies, education, clinical services and research throughout the health system. Our mission to provide excellent comprehensive and compassionate LGBTQ patient-centered healthcare is led by a dedicated team of LGBTQ Friendly and Inclusive Care Providers.

Temple Health is proud to be recognized as a "LGBTQ Healthcare Quality Leader" by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation. The LGBTQ Inclusive Care Provider designation is a Temple-wide initiative that identifies physicians who will welcome and respect patients and families in the LGBTQ community.

Providers have each self-selected to be designated as Inclusive, and they completed a set of requirements, including LGBTQ competency training and attesting to a set of principles about LGBTQ patient care.

Get to know our doctors and request an appointment online or call 800-TEMPLE-MED (800-836-7536).

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Primary Care Doctors
Abdominal Organ Transplant Surgeon
Advanced Heart Failure Specialists
Bariatric Surgeons
Cardiac Electrophysiologists
Colorectal Surgeons
Gastroenterologists (Digestive Disease Specialists)
Infectious Disease Specialists
Neurologists & Neurosurgeons
Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Oncologists (Cancer Specialists)

Our oncologists include gynecologic oncologists as well as urologic oncologists.

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons
Orthopaedic Surgeons and Sports Medicine Specialists
Pulmonary Hypertension and Right Heart Failure Specialists
Pulmonologists (Lung Specialists)
Thoracic Surgeon
Trauma and Critical Care Surgeons
Urologists and Urogynecologists
Emergency Physicians